Topic; Kewaunee Nuke Plant and why a tech company like Google, Amazon, or even Berkshire could be the buyer it needs.
- Jobs - the loss of 700 to 1100 high paying jobs in a state that desperately needs them. Wisconsin Governor where are you?
- With North American population projected to increase by over 100 million by 2050 I’m pretty sure we’ll need more power plants, not less. (Tech companies use a massive amount.)
- It’s reported that it’s takes 7-9 years just to get a permit to build one of these things and costs range from from $3 - $9 billion. And this one is good to go and has a license that is good for another 20 years. Surely a buyer is out there. (See below).
- Let’s get off this dinosaur train of thinking and do some real planning for the future. Think ‘uncubed’ as we like to say.
- Tech companies. They use a massive amount of power and are now placing server farms (data centers) near new power plants. Some are investing in clean energy. One in particular has a stated goal of reducing its carbon footprint to zero.
- Server Farms drive this idea. Also known as Data Centers serve up your information on the internet and they use a massive amount of power. - And they are a hot growth industry.
- Global Internet Traffic Projected to Quadruple by 2015 See Cisco
- $1.5 Billion dollar project looking for a home. The race for data centers is a nationwide phenomenon, but perhaps nowhere has the contest for facilities been as fierce as in the heartland, where states are eager to lure tech, both to modernize their economies and shed their ag-state images.1
- Council Bluffs got Google, which opened Iowa's first big brand-name data center, a 57-acre, $600 million investment, in 2009. He acknowledges he did nothing special. The company liked the city's geography, the proximity it offered to a new coal power plant, and those incentives, which were first crafted for Google's sake -- at the time, it was not known the company was Google -- and rushed through the Iowa legislature in 2007. Council Bluffs ranks as the least expensive place to operate a data center in an index of 39 cities, calculated by the Boyd Company.1
- A New Industry in the Arctic: Server Farms Facebook’s investment will be a boon to Luleå’s economy, and server farms could be a new source of economic growth throughout the rest of the circumpolar north.2
- Google. Google has, and is building server farms (data centers) across the globe. Google as a company currently uses a massive amount of power. Clean power.
- Estimates my team came up with suggest these use what would be about ½ the power output of the Kewaunee Plant. One scenario - They could take it private and build many of their future data centers right in Kewaunee County, WI. Saving one industry giant and spurring the growth of another.
- Google has a investment entities that are involved in various related efforts. Google has invested about $178 million in one of the worlds largest solar farms now being built.
- Tech Crunch (Technology Blog) has reported that google already has a investment in Nuclear efforts.
- Google resources. GooG has approx. $48 billion on hand in cash and short term securities for strategic opportunities
- Microsoft.
- Microsoft another tech company with massive resources and massive power use has a stated goal of having zero carbon footprint.
- Microsoft too has massive server farms (data centers). One server farm building thats serves up data for the Bing search engine has 48 diesel generators around it to power it when the grid goes down. That is one building and Bing has only about 6% of search.
- Bill Gates too has invested in Nuclear power and has a investment to build modern nuclear in China. Terra Power
- Microsoft building a poop powered data center.
- At Microsoft, we (they) believe that we have a responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment, and so we have made a commitment to become carbon neutral beginning in our fiscal year (FY) 20132 for our data centers, software development labs, offices, and employee air travel. Powering the future.
- MSFT - Microsoft has resources. It has about $64 billion on hand in cash and short term securities for strategic opportunities.
- Apple
- Apple has begun the first phase of construction of its planned data center in Prineville, Oregon, which could eventually dwarf its already massive Maiden, North Carolina data center that powers iCloud. According to The Oregonian,
- Looks like Apple will make a big bet on clean power in Reno, too
- More of Apples big clean tech plans
- Apple Inc plans to power its main U.S. data center entirely with renewable energy by the end of this year, taking steps to address longstanding environmental concerns about the rapid expansion of high-consuming computer server farms. Reuters.
- Apples resources. It’s sitting on like $145 billion.
- Amazon
has some of the biggest and the most servers farms of all. They are
growing their data Amazon Web Services amazingly fast.They also have
massive resources.
- Oracle. Another big consumer of power.
- Berkshire Hathaway (owns tech companies) - Mr. Buffett's company. He invests for the long term. Famous for buying undervalued assets. He already holds a energy company MidAmerican Energy that owns a nuclear power plant.
- Others Companies that already own Nuclear Power Plants. Maybe one takes the long term view.
- The City of Chicago. They are very much interested in cleantech and not that far from Kewaunee. And they need lots of power.
- The Federal Government buys it on the cheap. Turns it over to the citizens of Northeast Wisconsin. There are loaning money for nuclear construction.
Plant Stays Open.
- A clean source of massive power- generation remains.
- Many, many great jobs, careers really remain in area.
- Economic activity that this employment affords will continue.
- Risk profile stays the same. Plant has been here for 35 years already.
- WPS embraces that they are truly a ‘Public Service” (Defn. a service rendered in the public interest) not buying local power losing this many jobs - hardly a ‘public service’. Maybe they (WPS) should lower their internal cost structure.
Plant Closes.
- This will create a very painful economic vacuum in the region. A big negative economic multiplier. Check out the studies.
- Regret - when natural gases prices spike in the future, Dominion Inc. will say, dang, we shouldn't have closed that one.
- Risk. The area will have all of the risk of the plant and none of the upside (see above). This would really suck.
- The carbon has already ready be created/released during this massive construction now close it and have to build a ‘new’ one in 10 years somewhere else. Very stupid. I have two young daughters who future will be determined by doing things smarter.
I’m guessing that somewhere in this big world a buyer exists. As this move if it happens will be devastating to our area - Maybe the Feds/State/Courts should apply an injunction and put this action on hold until all avenues are exhausted. Thanks, Perry
1 American Plains A War For Server Farms From Fortune.
2 A New Industry in the Arctic: Server Farms
Anything is possible...
Contacts; Expert on this issue.
Richard C. Nelson Owner/Engineer RNR Services, LLC 920.255.2926
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Perry Andropolis
Uncubed StudiosSM
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