Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cool transport uncubed thinking Vindskip™ is a hybrid merchant vessel for sustainable sea transport, driven by the wind and LNG.

Project Vindskip™
The relative wind is a crucial factor in designing aircrafts, trains, propellers and sailing boats. But for the design of commercial vessels, this is a revolutionary brand new way of thinking. Inspired by the aerospace industry and the sailboat environment, the Vindskip is designed to utilize wind for propulsion. The unique is the shape of the hull, both above and below the water line.

Sustainable sea transport is dependent of the development of a new technology that can utilize the renewable resources on the sea. The wind has been made predictable thanks to modern meteorology. Through a computerized weighting of a steady flow of meteorological information, a computer program can calculate the best route taking advantage of the available wind energy. This makes it easy for the captain of Vindskip™ selecting the best course to propel the ship

To develop concept Vindskip™ hybrid merchant vessel for sustainable sea transport to an optimal form and function.

A vessel with a hull shaped like a symmetrical air foil going in the relative wind, will generate an aerodynamic lift giving a pull in the ships direction, within an angular sector of the course. This is Vindskip’s Wind Power System. The relative wind, measured on board a ship, is given by the ships course and speed and the direction and strength of the True Wind.

With an LNG-electric propulsion system as well, starting the ship from zero up to the desired speed, the aerodynamic lift now generated can be exploited to generate pull and thus saving fuel: Forming a dynamic system that maintains a constant speed of the ship. Ship types that are particularly relevant to the Vindskip design are the so-called dry cargo ships type such as RoRo, RoPax, PCTC, passenger and container ships.

Link to main site

Uncubed thought - I love it. It would be really cool to see this concept put into use... soon.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Global Business Accelerator For N.E WI - Effort being studied/considered.

A Business Accelerator In Northeast W.I.?

After studying the successful business accelerators models worldwide we strongly feel that our region is ripe for one. I feel in the next 5 - 8 years many more communities across the U.S. (and world) are going to embrace the business dev. model so why not get in front of the crowd.

Why not here? It gets old hearing that the Midwest is a fly over area between coasts where ’all’ the tech / good ideas come from. If a person is going to do this it needs to be done right. Digital resources and money can and does flow to and from anywhere so why not here? 

What is a Business Accelerator? A 21ST Century version of a business incubator where funds (seed money) is directed to a group of technology focused startups. This in return for equity or warrants on equity on each one. In most cases the start-ups are chosen after making it through a filtering process then brought together under one roof where the ‘network
effect’ and mentor-ship can be of great value leading to a demo day. A ‘demo day’ is a scheduled day of the conclusion of the ‘startup class’ as they are referred to where they present their progress and show future potential during the pitch to the original and possible new investors and others for consideration of additional investment at higher valuations.

Why Focus On Start-Ups? “New businesses account for nearly all net new job creation and almost 20 percent of gross job creation, whereas small businesses do not have a significant impact on job growth when age is accounted for.” Taken from Forbes article about Kauffman Foundation info. Link

More news in coming soon.
Interested? 1. Be contacted when we take the next step | 2. Interested in being a mentor to the class of start-ups | 3. Interested in being an investor?
If and when we see enough interest we will consider moving forward and/or leading this effort.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards,
Perry Andropolis


Toyota Opens the Door and Invites the Industry to the Hydrogen Future... Open sources it's patents...Like Tesla

Toyota Opens the Door and Invites the Industry to the Hydrogen Future.

More than 5,600 fuel cell and related patents available for royalty-free use
Patents include industry leading fuel cell technology used in new Toyota Mirai  Link to full story

'With a long term particular interest in clean energy distribution/availability this was exciting to read. I feel that Elon Musk and J.B. Straubel and team who in addition building a amazing cleaner transportation solution are inspiring others to accelerate solutions and there acceptance into reality.' Perry

Here is a link to a interesting profile story of Tesla's co-founder and CTO J.B. Straubel looking into his inspiration that moved him to get involved in electrical transport. Door County Social Magazine (Go to pg. 44)

Today’s announcement covers only fuel cell-related patents wholly owned by Toyota. Patents related to fuel cell vehicles will be available for royalty-free licenses until the end of 2020. Patents for hydrogen production and supply will remain open for an unlimited duration. As part of licensing agreements, Toyota will request, but will not require, that other companies share their fuel cell-related patents with Toyota for similar royalty-free use.
Companies interested in Toyota’s fuel cell-related patents will negotiate individual contracts with Toyota. Additional details, including licensing terms and application process, are available upon request.

Toyota Advanced Technology Communications
John Hanson (310) 468-4718
Jana Hartline (310) 468-7977
Cindy Knight (310) 468-2170
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